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Support Whim Sey's Journey

Whim Sey
Mar 16, 2008 10:15 AM
Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon '06 - September 24th
My Message
In an ideal world, there would be no more violence, hunger and all girls and women would have opportunities for education. Unfortunately, in our world, women confront a variety of obstacles on the road to obtaining an education.

Currently, 115 million school-aged children do not attend school, and more than half of those are girls. Approximately 576 million women worldwide are illiterate.

I have trained for this run, but running won't really help anyone unless my willingness to run is matched by the generosity of others. With a pledge from you, I'm not only doing something for myself, but also for others. Would you support me? Your tax-deducaible contribution will fund education for girls and young women in Canada, Africa, Afghanistan and Tibet.


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